Space still available for Kinder School/OSC

Located in Satoo Park in Knottwood Community Hall (behind Satoo School)Open non-instructional days and summerOpen Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. [...]

Space still available for Kinder School/OSC2019-09-08T09:36:26-06:00

Community Policing Program

The Knottwood Community League continues its efforts to try and help in providing crime prevention information and communicates with the EPS, Edmonton [...]

Community Policing Program2019-09-08T10:05:16-06:00

CLD 2019: WeGather

WeGather...A Community Outdoor Celebration Join the Knottwood Community League and Lakewood Community League for a fun afternoon with neighbours! * Bouncy Castles* [...]

CLD 2019: WeGather2019-09-08T09:03:17-06:00

Crime Prevention in Knottwood Update.

On June 13, the Southeast Police Division hosted an information session on neighbourhood safety for residents of Knottwood.There were a lot of [...]

Crime Prevention in Knottwood Update.2019-06-27T11:58:06-06:00

Meet your neighbours this summer!

This summer, The Knottwood Community League is encouraging residents to get out and meet and mingle with their neighbours. This not only [...]

Meet your neighbours this summer!2019-06-26T15:28:40-06:00

Reminder re: waste collection

SATOO: It's great to see so many carts out on the curb and in the back alleys! Thank you to everyone for [...]

Reminder re: waste collection2019-09-08T09:40:46-06:00

Knottwood Crime Talk

JOIN US AS WE HEAD TO THE SOUTHEAST POLICE STATION to discuss crime prevention in Knottwood. Cst. Fonteyne will be talking about [...]

Knottwood Crime Talk2019-05-29T23:01:55-06:00
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