The Knottwood Community League runs the Ekota Rink located at 1415 Knottwood Rd. East during the winter months. We are hoping to open for the 2024-25 skating season the week of December 16. Please watch our Facebook and Instagram pages and the Knottwood Community Group for updates.
All users of the rink must follow the regular rink rules.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday: 4 pm to 9 pm
Saturday: 9 am to 9 pm
Sunday: 11 am to 7 pm
FREE SKATE HOURS on large rink (*no hockey): Tuesdays & Thursdays – 6 to 8 p.m.; Sundays – 2 to 4 p.m.
*If no skaters are present, hockey may be permitted until such time that skaters arrive (at the discretion of the rink attendant).
Skate Tags/EFCL Membership Required or Pay Per Use.
FREE with Knottwood Community League Membership. Get your membership here.
One-time skate: $2 or purchase a skate tag: $5
Rink Rules:
- Use ice at your own risk.
- Rink Shack may not always be open; dependant on rink attendant availability.
- No skating when temperatures are above -2 degrees Celsius or below -20 (includes windchill).
- Helmets are required for anyone under the age of 18. They are also recommended for adults.
- Skaters under the age of 8 must be actively supervised by a responsible person aged 13 or older
- DO NOT enter the ice rink area if you are ill or experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19.
- No Alchohol
- Skating in a manner that endangers or interferes with other skaters’ safety or pleasure is strictly forbidden. Individuals displaying unsafe or inappropriate behaviour on or off the ice will be asked to leave.
- No fighting, pushing, checking, foul language, smoking, spitting or high sticking.
- The Knottwood Community League/rink attendant reserves the right to revoke privileges from any person who does not follow rules, shows unacceptable conduct, or for any other just cause.
- The Knottwood Community League assumes no responsibility for the actions of individual and/or group users.