Ekota, Menisa & Satoo residents!
Join us on Wednesday, November 18, 2020, for our first-ever virtual AGM. From the comfort of your own home, you can relax with some beverages and munchies while learning about all of the wonderful things that have been happening in Knottwood — and what is coming down the line in the near future! We have some very exciting news to share!
We will also be voting in our 2020-21 Board of Directors and you will have the chance to learn about other opportunities that are available for getting involved with your community.
6:45 pm – Zoom event opens/Review of how to vote, online etiquette, etc.
7:00 pm Welcome
7:05 pm Review of the Agenda
7:10 pm Approval of November 2019 AGM Minutes
7:15 pm President’s Report
– PowerPoint Presentation
7:30 pm Treasurer’s Report
7:45 pm Elections
8:15 pm Closing Comments
8:30 pm Adjournment
The Knottwood Community League Board is not just for adults! We also encourage youth to attend and get involved. We have school scholarship opportunities and are also seeking youth and teen representatives to join the Board and help shape the community that we live in.
2nd Vice President
Fundraising Director
Volunteer Director
Seniors’ Representative
Youth Representative (2 positions) – for those ages 10 to 13
Teen Representative (2 positions) – for those aged 14 to 17
Abundant Community Edmonton Representative
OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: photographers, videographers, event volunteers, administrative help, neighbourhood connectors, running individual programs and more.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND. You will receive your Zoom event link at least 24 hours in advance. You will also need a Knottwood Community League membership to attend. Grab your FREE membership here: https://knottwoodcommunity.ca/product/membership
QUESTIONS? Email president@knottwoodcommunity.ca