2019-20 Knottwood Community League memberships are now on sale! There are many great benefits to purchasing a membership and supporting our neighbourhood – helping to grow and nurture Knottwood is just one of them.
Some of the other benefits you receive are free weekly community swims at the Mill Woods Rec Centre, free skating at the Ekota rink and all community-league run rinks across Edmonton, discounts at City of Edmonton fitness and rec centres, free tool rentals at the Edmonton Tool Library, discounts with various EFCL partners and much more. Read about all benefits and discounts.
What are Community Leagues and why should you care?
Community Leagues serve many purposes in Edmonton neighbourhoods. They are completely volunteer-run and advocate for change to the municipal government on behalf of the residents of their community. Leagues also provide amenities including community halls, sports facilities, such as outdoor rinks and community gardens and provide programs and services that help neighbours meet each other and promote neighbourhood safety. Community leagues are funded through EFCL and government grants, casinos, donations, and sales from memberships.
Your Knottwood Community League — What We Do
The Knottwood Community League (KCL) serves residents in Ekota, Menisa and Satoo. We run the Knottwood Community Hall and Ekota ice rink. We are currently working on building a new hall for residents and also a community garden in Menisa and have been working for a few years on revitalizing our neighbourhood.
Some other projects we work on:
- Neighbourhood Watch – working with Councillor Mike Nickel and the Edmonton Police Service.
- Social events and programs that allow neighbours to get together and meet each other.
- Knottwood’s Bench program that helps make our neighbourhood more walkable and safe.
- Abundant Edmonton – A program that works to reduce loneliness and social isolation in our neighbourhood.
- We liaise with the City of Edmonton and communicate issues that matter to Knottwood residents through our newsletter, website, etc.
Please consider supporting your league
The revenue generated from membership fees helps to maintain our community rink and hall, support community initiatives, such as making Knottwood more walkable via the installation of benches, plus other revitalization activities. Even if you aren’t interested in the above advantages, by purchasing a community membership, you are investing in our great neighbourhood.
Learn more about memberships here
Keep up to date on what’s happening in Knottwood by following us on Facebook, Instagram and subscribe for our community newsletter.