Throughout the summer, you may have noticed events happening in the middle of Knottwood roads – people barbequing, having bonfires, playing street hockey and other games and wondered “What is going on?”.

There were a number of block parties held in our neighbourhood over the past few months. Organized by local residents, these events help to bring neighbours together in a day and age when it’s becoming more common for people not to know their next-door neighbours or who just moved in down the street.

Our Knottwood Community League is working to help combat this problem along with a number of different organizations and initiatives in town, such as Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch’s Block Party program and the City of Edmonton’s Hello, How are You? Initiative.

“Block parties help to reduce social isolation and increase safety on our streets,” says Knottwood Community League’s Neighbourhood Watch Director Kimberly Shaw. “One of the best defences against crime is a strong and healthy community in which neighbours know and look out for each other.”

People have to apply to the City of Edmonton for a permit to close roads and get written permission from each neighbour in the party area to close the street. They can also apply to our community league for sponsorship to help cover some costs of the event (on a first-come, first served basis). Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch provides safety information to hand out at the event, and The City of Edmonton has resources to help engage people.

For more information on hosting block parties, email

Read more:

How to host a block party in Knottwood

Other Ways to Connect with your Neighbours in Knottwood:

City of Edmonton’s Hello, How Are You program

Hello, Let’s Eat program