Summer Green Shack programs in Knottwood
July 3, 2018 @ 2:00 am - August 31, 2018 @ 11:00 am
Summer Green Shack Program
The City of Edmonton’s Green Shacks are open in Knottwood as of July 3, 2018 and running until the end of August at three locations in Knottwood:
Ekota: 1415 Knottwood Road East
Menisa: 943 Knottwood Road South
Satoo: 445 Knottwood Road West
AM Schedule (10am – 1:30pm Mon-Fri)
Ekota (*Flying Eagle: Jul 4-6) and Menisa
PM Schedule (2:30 – 6 pm, Mon-Fri)
Satoo (*Flying Eagle: Jul 4-6)
Ages: 6-12 years
(children under 6 must be supervised by a parent or guardian)
Cost: Free
Join in games, sports, crafts, music, drama and special events. You’ll find a list of upcoming activities and special events posted on the side of the Green Shack each week. If there’s a game or activity that you’d like to play, just ask the Program Leader.
Programs are led by staff who:
1) Ensure participants play safely. Parents are responsible for their children at all times and must be available in the event of an emergency.
2) Are easily identifiable by their blue shirts and name tags and may be assisted by volunteer leaders in training.
3) Have completed a security clearance process, are trained in first aid and are certified specialists in fun!
Programming is still available on rainy/snowy days but will be cancelled during severely inclement weather.
*Flying Eagle visits various Green Shack playground program sites each week of the summer. This program uses the medicine wheel as a guiding principle and teaches children and families about the first peoples of this land and Treaty 6. Activities may include storytelling, bead crafts, dream catchers, double ball, lacrosse, bannock making, smudging and talking circles.
Incorporating Indigenous teachings into community recreation helps to build a relationship of understanding and respect among the program participants. It also encourages discussions about the history of the land and celebrates the relationship among all Edmontonians today. The program leader helps create a safe space for these conversations and teachings to be shared.