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10 – 11am “Steady Flow” – All Ages*, Levels* and Mobility*. *For Low Mobility

Breathe a little deeper as you take it easy in the AM, giving your body a chance to stretch away the sleep from the night before. In this offering we will reach, twist and fold the tension away with gentle sequencing and short pauses to spend time exploring each shape. This is a great offering for those who aren’t in a rush first thing, or are looking for a moment of zen once the chaos of the morning has passed. 

Sequences/Postures to Expect: Sun Salutations, Side bends, Spinal Twists, Folds and gentle backbends, Minimal time in standing postures, transitions from seating on ground/chair to standing and back down, from back to belly and to kneeling/table top. 

September 21 – October 26 (6 classes)
10 to 11 am
Knottwood Community Centre

Knottwood Community League Members fees per class are $36 ($6/class)
Non-members per class are $66 ($11/class)
Register Below.


About the Class

For all classes: I invite you to find comfort in your physical body and peace in your mind, as you take this time to reconnect with yourself. Listen to the signals the body is sending you with every breath and each movement, allowing your body to guide you throughout the practice. If you find a posture doesn’t quite feel right, you may leave the posture at any time for a more comfortable one or start your Savasana a little early. It’s your practice, you do what you want to!  

All postures will be approached in a “building block” fashion, establishing a solid foundation before adding more to the pose. This presents the opportunity to customize your practice to your body’s individual needs, pausing wherever you feel most comfortable in the posture. Modifications will be offered as well! If you’re finding a pose to be ‘tricky’ or uncomfortable, let us know and we will take the time to find a version of that posture that works for you! 

Props are not required for class offerings unless specified, however if you use them with your regular practice I encourage you to bring them along! I have a small selection of props available on a first come basis if you’d like to try them out in a class before purchasing! 

About the Instructor

Namaste, my name is Patrisha and I’m honored to meet you! 

Yoga has been a pivotal part of my life for 10 years, from healing sport injuries and maintaining stress to encouraging mindfulness and compassion for others in my everyday life. I was first introduced to the practice as a tool to rehab an injury sustained from falling from a horse, slowly rebuilding the strength in my arm one Down Dog at a time. Before long I was hooked on the benefits my body was feeling, and wanted to learn more. I continue to be a student of the practice as there is always something new to learn!  

I started Missfit of Yoga 2 years ago with the vision of bringing yoga to people of all ages, cultural backgrounds, ranges of mobility and levels of experience, honoring the mantra “Yoga is for every body!” I like to encourage a spirit of playfulness and a dose of inspiration to help you deepen your practice. It is my intention to safely guide you through each of the movements throughout class, applying ancient wisdom to our contemporary western world in a useful, fun, and understandable way. I seek to help others thrive in life by nurturing body, mind and soul with yoga, and my hope is that you step off the mat feeling refreshed with a spring in your step

Keep Shining Brightly,

– Patrisha Kavanagh Cline



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