Introduction to Community Walking
October 13, 2018 @ 4:00 am - 9:00 am
The Community League Walking Program offers a convenient, low risk, and affordable form of physical activity for community league members in their neighbourhoods. To grow regular and urban pole walking programs across the city, the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) is offering leadership training for members interested in starting or assisting with a program in their community.
Community league members registered in this training session will become certified Urban Poling instructors for their community and learn about topics such as urban pole technique, risk management, and route planning. Members will be provided a program manual and resource guide developed by the EFCL, intended to help leaders plan, deliver, evaluate, and sustain a program in their communities.
Please note that you must be a current community league member to register. Spots will be prioritized for community league members who plan to lead a walking program in their community. Community league members who simply want to learn more about the walking program will only be able to attend if the session is not filled. To read more about the program, please visit the EFCL website.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/introduction-to-community-walking-tickets-47237431429