Holiday Lights 2019
January 2, 2020
We want to see your holiday displays! If you live in Knottwood and love to decorate the exterior of your home for the holidays — we want to see your house all lit up!
Simply send us a photo(s) of your house and/or a video of your home. We will post them to our Knottwood Community League Facebook page and Instagram pages.
The top five houses with the most likes or hearts will win some Knottwood swag, including a community league membership (which gets you access to free swimming, skating and more), and passes to popular City of Edmonton attractions.
Please help us spread the word!
The contest runs from December 1 to January 2nd. Be sure to like our Facebook page and Instagram page invite your neighbours to do so as well.
Send your photos to communications@knottwoodcommunity.ca or by PM on Facebook.