2nd Annual Knottwood Holiday Craft Fair
November 18, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Looking for unique holiday gift items? Join us for our 2nd Annual Holiday Craft Fair!
We will have 35 local crafters and artisans selling a huge variety of handmade goods. Just in time for the holidays! There will also be door prizes and lots of free parking.
Where: Knottwood Community Centre, 449 Knottwood Rd West, NW
When: Saturday, November 18, 2023
Time: 10 AM – 3 PM
Cost: FREE; we are accepting non-perishable food items for the food bank.
RSVP to receive extra door-prize ballots for each shopper (not mandatory to attend).
3 Knotty Girls
A La Francaise Bakery inc.
Andrea’s Handspuns
Believe Paint Studio
Cocoa Kaboom
Colorations-Hand Crafted Creations
Colour On My Mind
Ebony Botanicals
Evangeline Jewelry
For Fudge Sakes
Gems Oh My
Ginger & Sage Handmade By Jaime
Handmade Wreaths by Linda Michael
Hive Herbals
Hook Me Up Crochet
Jay-Cee’s Preserves
Karen’s Kreations
Keara Studio
La Momento Candle Company
Lean on Love Accessories and Home Goods
Love & Lilies
Make It Mine
MK’s Waxoligy
Myrna Silva
Nerdy Pineapple Crafts
On Par Stamping
Pottery by Dellaney
Renee Jurgens
Sophie’s Custom Creations
Spinning Threads
Weeping Spruce Candles
DOOR PRIZES – Thank you so much to the following vendors for donating door prizes for our event: À La Française, BagHabit, Cocoa Kaboom, Colorarions-Hand Crafted Creations, Ebony Botanicals, Ginger & Sage Handmade By Jaime, Handmade Wreaths by Linda Michael, Jay-Cee’s Preserves, Karen’sKreations, Keara Studio, Lean On Love Accessories and Home Goods, Love & Lilies, Nerdy Pineapple Crafts, 3 Knotty Girls, Sophies Custom Creations, Spinning Threads, Weeping Spruce Candles.
Please note: Some vendors will accept cash only.
Volunteers Needed! Would you like to volunteer for this event? Learn more about available positions here
Questions? Email info@knottwoodcommunity.ca.