We have the winners!

This past summer, we ran our first annual Beautiful Yards contest on our Facebook and Instagram pages. The object? To help spread the word about how beautiful our neighbourhood is.

Residents from Ekota, Menisa and Satoo sent in photos of their yards and they were posted to our Facebook and Instagram pages for everyone to enjoy.

As part of the initiative, the five yards with the most hearts and likes would win 2018-19 Knottwood Community League memberships plus passes to popular City of Edmonton attraction.

The winners are:

Thank you so much to everyone that took the time to send in photos. We are looking forward to featuring our beautiful summer yards next year so be sure to give your neighbours a heads up and invite them to take part.

NEXT UP: Our second annual Holiday Lights contest where we feature all of the holiday light and displays in Knottwood. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months.